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What is a cgi-bin?

  • Short Answer:

    A cgi-bin is a special directory designated in the config files of a web server to allow execution of CGI scripts in specified directories. Many new servers have done away with this and allow users execute any scripts ending in .cgi.

    Long Answer:

    The cgi-bin is used to help keep systems secure. Keeping CGI scripts limited to trusted users is necessary since CGI opens up a lot of security risks. Therefore, most web platforms allow only files inside of a cgi-bin to be executed. This can be changed and on many machines a .cgi extension has been implemented to let anyone use CGI scripts in their directory simply by changing the filenames to have .cgi extension. If this has not been enabled on your system and you don't have a cgi-bin already, ask your system administer if you can have access to execute CGI scripts on your server.

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